Thursday, October 17, 2024

Larry Chap

Instead, this mythopoetic marginalization is an acidic solvent that dissolves the true integrity of our finitude by reducing it to a mere conglomeration of sub-personal forces and "parts." And this then creates a cynical destruction of the higher "goods" that have been classically associated with human nature: Justice becomes veiled revenge, love is merely veiled lust, reason is a veiled will to power, and the moral good is merely a veiled form of manipulation in the run of enlightened self-interest.

This solvent, sometimes called "globalism," has as its theme song John Lennon's Imagine, the message of which can be distilled into the claim that if we can just dissolve every tie that binds, then the liberation that will ensue will bring peace to the world. But it is the peace of a de-Christified history that will in reality only see the return of the strong gods of Blut und Erde (blood and soil). And these strong gods, like the archons of old, will reinvigorate the connections between a death that is once again viewed as final and irreversible and the entire realm of the erotic.


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