Thursday, June 18, 2015



"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

― Albert Einstein

There is no first hand source of Einstein's writing or speeches that contains this quote. The first appearance of this quote that I can find is in Living With Nature's Extremes: The Life of Gilbert Fowler White (2006) by Robert E. Hinshaw, p. 62. In this book Hinshaw quotes Gilbert Fowler White's Journal of France and Germany (1942 – 1944) as the original source of the quote. It is here that Gilbert Fowler White wrote,

"As I look back over the truly crucial events in my life I realize that they were not planned long in advance. Albert Einstein said, 'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.'"

The most likely source of Gilbert's for an Einstein quote on miracles would be David Reichenstein's Die Religion der Gebildeten (1941), which was released a year prior to Gilbert's Journal. It is here that Reichenstein asks Einstein about Arthur Liebert's theory that uncertainty and indeterminism in quantum mechanics allows for the possibility of miracles. Einstein replied that he could not accept the argument because it dealt "with a domain in which lawful rationality does not exist. A miracle, however, is an exception from lawfulness; hence, there where lawfulness does not exist, also its exception, i.e., a miracle, cannot exist."

Gilbert Fowler White may have inadvertently invented this Einstein quote based on his understanding of Einstein's conversation with David Reichenstein above.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Kim Sheung Chiaretto Yan, Il Vangelo oltre la Gran

Kim Sheung Chiaretto Yan, Il Vangelo oltre la Grande Muraglia. Sfide e prospettive del cristianesimo in Cina (EMI, 2015).

Nella cultura asiatica ed in particolare confuciana, l'autorità civile o l'imperatore vengono posti al di sopra della religione, mentre in Occidente, per molti anni, è avvenuto il contrario. C'è quindi una diversa concezione della libertà religiosa. Capendo questo, possiamo imparare a dialogare meglio. Quindi anche il tema del rapporto tra Chiesa e potere civile si può affrontare e risolvere.


Monday, June 08, 2015

Chosen by God R. C. Sproul

Chosen by God 

R. C. Sproul 

People do not seek God. They seek after the benefits that only God can give them. The sin of fallen man is this: Man seeks the benefits of God while at the same time fleeing from God himself. We are, by nature, fugitives.


Sunday, June 07, 2015



詩経  《皇矣》(こうい)、文王の什7

皇矣上帝 臨下有赫
  皇(おほい)なるかな上帝 下(しも)に臨みて赫(かく)たる有り
                     上帝  上代漢民族の申后の対象たる宇宙の絶対神。
      赫 明らかなること。

監觀四方 求民之莫
  四方を監觀(かんくわん)し 民の莫(さだまら)んことを求む


