Friday, December 31, 2021

Concilium fall 2021 M. Handy, American revolution, p. 452-453.

Concilium fall 2021 M. Handy, American revolution, p. 452-453.


Noce's genius was to recognize that the root of the
political crisis in the West is not itself political but metaphysical
and religious.' At its core is the elevation of becoming over
Being-in a word, anti-Platonism. "Every revolutionary
of traditional values," he writes, "depends upon this
Initial negation."7 The primacy of becoming replaces the vertical transcendence of eternity with the horizontal transcendence of
futurity. The negation of transcendence eliminates the possibility of "intellectual intuition," an apprehension of being in its
enduring intelligibility, truth, and goodness.' Gone, then, is the ground of the '"religious dimension" presupposed in any genuine act of faith, whose absence sets in motion a historical course
from the atheism in which God is denied to the irreligion in
which the question of God can no longer be asked meaningfully. Gone also is any possibility of traditional theoria. Speculative
5. CM, 140 (emphasis original).
6. CM, 228.
7. CM, 58.
8 Primacy of contemplation just means the superiority of the in
changeable. It just expresses the essential metaphysical principle
atholic tradition, which says that everything that is participates nece
ersal principles, which are the eternal and immutable essences contai
in the permanent actuality of the divine intellect" (AS, 241).
9. See CM, 198; AS, 230.

Contemplative thought is unintelligible, thoroughly
philosophy of praxis." Truth itself is ether measured
efficacy of the action--"the historical reality it is a
roduce"-or it is reduced to historical, sociological, on
chological conditions and functions, that is, to ideology.'
From the anti-Platonic vantage point, the world is "a
stem of forces, not of values."11 The primacy of force elevates
politics over ethics-indeed over everything--even as the nega-
tion of universal reason and human nature undermines the basic
condition of possibility for a genuinely political society: a world
of shared meanings and a common good. Herein lies the novelty
of the new totalitarianism according to Del Noce. It "is not that
of a political movement that aims at world domination" it is,
rather, a wholly negative phenomenon--anti-racist, anti-fascist,
etc."marked by a quest to bring about a disintegration of one
part of the world"' in the name of freedom.12 It is total war le-
gitimated by its perennial opposition to fascism, falsely defined
as whatever sins "'against the progressive direction of history.'1'3
Total revolution could only succeed by bringing the
whole of human nature within its purview, that is, in sexual rev-
lution.14 One of Del Noce's greatest insights is that"scie
and "eroticism" form a unity. They are but two sides of the same
ontological coin and are mutually efficacious in advancing total
revolution. Together, they annihilate all but the barest "biolo-
gistic" conception of human nature with its vital energies. "Na-
ture" is simply whatever can be observed, which means anything
is just as natural--or unnatural--as anything else. The family
must be dissolved; only then can the "meta-empirical order of
truth" finally be abolished.15 The fundamental realities of human
nature--man, woman, mother, father, child--must be perpetu-
ally redefined. History must be erased, since the past is oppres-
sive, by definition, and language, morality, and law must all be
10. CM, 61.
11. CM, 232.
12. CM, 87.
13. CM, 101.
14. See CM,
15. CM, 161


Sunday, December 19, 2021


San France- sco di Sales ricordava: «Chi è veramente umile non pensa mai che gli si faccia torto».


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Risate che conosco

You are lucky if you have not heard this laugh. It is of a type rarely heard outside a penitentiary: a sort of wild, false, exaggerated impersonation of how a human being might laugh. Harris laughs like Mark Zuckerberg moves — as though he has studied these humanoids and is hoping to stay undercover until cyborg D-Day.


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Comunità Saveriana in Giappone

"Ad esempio, a motivo delle turbolente vicende accadute durante gli anni Settanta nella regione del Giappone, la parola "comunità", e tutto l'universo di valori che evoca, è stata segnata e ha segnato non pochi saveriani, creando anche divisioni e timori. Infatti, in quel periodo, quasi una decina di membri hanno lasciato la missione o la congregazione, mentre la stessa direzione generale negli anni successivi non ha inviato missionari in Giappone. Questo è un dato storico, non un giudizio a posteriori.
Inviato in Giappone, mi sono ritrovato nella situazione in cui, da una parte, save- riani di quel periodo e di quello successivo hanno vissuto esperienze di scontri e divi- sioni le cui ferite sono rimaste per decenni, lasciando non pochi traumi "comunitari". Un paio di questi sono: il rifiuto sistematico di condivisione del proprio lavoro per non esporsi al giudizio, non chiedere né interessarsi delle attività dell'altro per non correre il rischio di essere accusato di controllarlo e così via. Dall'altra parte, dopo alcuni anni dalla ripresa degli invii, i nuovi missionari, con un bagaglio di esperienze comunitarie positive e costruttive, hanno portato e realizzato la pratica e l'invito alla condivisione. Tuttavia, pur non essendoci stati scontri o divisioni, si è fatta molta fatica a preparare un terreno accogliente e rilassato, spesso ci si è trovati davanti al muro del sospetto, del disinteresse o del distacco, con qualche strascico ancora nel presente." (Renato Filippini, in: iSaveriani, novembre 2021, p.21)


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Sinodi e capitoli

St. Gregory Nazianzen's attitude: "If I must speak the truth, I feel disposed to shun every conference of bishops; because I never saw a synod brought to a happy issue, nor remedying, but rather increasing, existing evils." (Ep. 55)



Thursday, October 21, 2021

A Companion to Angels in Medieval Philosophy | Brill


Dal divenire a Dio

"Conviene guardare a quel divenire che siamo noi stessi, perché il nostro divenire lo possiamo toccar meglio con mano; possiamo ritenere illusorio il divenire delle cose esterne a noi, ma non possiamo ritenere illusorio il nostro divenire, non fosse altro quel divenire che consiste nell'illuderci e nel diventar poi consapevoli dell'illusione. Io sono oggi come non ero ieri e sarò domani come non sono oggi. Quel che sono oggi non mi apparteneva ieri, e non mi appartiene ancora quel che sarò domani; se mi appartenesse, il domani, dico il mio domani, dipenderebbe da me; e invece non dipende da me: non so come sarà, non so neppure se sarà. Donde viene, dunque, questa nuova fase, questa nuova attuazione del mio essere ? Non dal nulla, perché il nulla non è, e quindi non può dare né far nulla. Per affermare che il nulla crei qualche cosa bisogna aver rinunciato al principio di contraddizione, e quando si è rinunciato a tale principio non si può più affermar nulla. Mi verrà dunque da qualche cosa, da un altro. Ma se questo altro fosse a sua volta in divenire, porterebbe in sé la medesima contraddizione da sanare, il medesimo problema da risolvere. Se debbo uscire da me, diveniente, per trovare la ragion d'essere del mio divenire, non posso fermarmi finché non abbia trovato una realtà che non porti più in sé una contraddizione da sanare, che non abbia bisogno di un altro per essere, ma sia autosufficiente e quindi, indivenibile."

Vanni Rovighi, Sofia. Elementi di filosofia volume 2, La Scuola, 1964, pag. 132


Wednesday, October 13, 2021






Monday, September 13, 2021






Monday, September 06, 2021

Thomas Pink

The revolution in the official theology of baptism is twofold. Dialogic harmony is given priority over conversion – and the sacramental life of the Church is seen as signifying of salvation, rather than something on which salvation actually depends.
There is a common root – the assumption that diabolic dominion over humanity has already been removed even in advance of baptism, and without any need for the world's conversion. That assumption is what makes the modern Church's pursuit of harmony with the world without its conversion appear feasible, and even a goal to be prioritised over conversion itself.
But the goal of harmony without conversion is not feasible at all. What reveals this is what also provides strong evidence that the operation of grace really does significantly depend on worthy participation in the sacramental life of the Church. This evidence lies in the very visible failure of grace to heal nature without nature's conversion – a failure that lies at the heart of moral conflict between the Church and an unconverted world.
Central to magisterial teaching about baptism is the grim reality, so clearly taught dogmatically at Florence, that the unconverted world remains under the dominion of the devil. Consequently, as Christ himself clearly proclaimed, baptism is a source not of harmony with the unconverted world but of spiritual confrontation of it and spiritual conflict with it – a spiritual conflict that can be ended only by the world's conversion.
The crisis of Amoris Laetitia is not a theological crisis of the current pontificate alone, It is not isolated, and it has parallels elsewhere that had already arisen under previous


Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Cajetan on the pope

Thomas Cajetan's commentary on the Summa Theologica:

"If someone, for a reasonable motive, holds the person of the pope in suspicion and refuses his presence and even his jurisdiction, he does not commit the delict of schism, nor any other whatsoever, provided that he be ready to accept the pope were he not held in suspicion. It goes without saying that one has the right to avoid what is harmful and to ward off dangers. In fact, it may happen that the pope could govern tyrannically, and that is all the easier as he is the more powerful and does not fear any punishment from anyone on earth."


Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Storia ed essenza

Carlo Ossola : « Il est moins important de fabriquer du nouveau que de sauvegarder l'essentiel »


Wednesday, August 18, 2021


We can only do it for moments at first. But from those moments the new sort of life will be spreading through our system: because now we are letting Him work at the right part of us. It is the difference between paint, which is merely laid on the surface, and a dye or stain which soaks right through. He never talked vague, idealistic gas. When he said, "Be perfect," He meant it. He meant that we must go in for the full treatment. It is hard; but the sort of compromise we are all hankering after is harder—in fact, it is impossible. It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad."

C.S. Lewis

Mere Christianity


Sunday, August 08, 2021

Sacramentality, authority rationality, holiness

Three traits of the Council of Trent reassert themselves in vital fashion across the ages: sacramentality, authority and rationality, and holiness. By these measures, Vatican II shows itself a council in Trent's genetic legacy, and one of great organic vitality, as well as intellectual genius. We might speak then of the Tridentine genius, and the Tridentine vitality, of Vatican II.


First Thingsさんのツイート

What stronger breastplate than a heart untainted; Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just, And he but naked, though locked up in steel, Whose conscience with injustice is corrupted.
More Quotes from William Shakespeare:


Saturday, August 07, 2021

Salvific optimism

Thus, without baptism and confession we cannot be saved. Hence the urgency of the Great Commission. Now, it is true that there are qualifications to be made to these doctrines, having to do with the notions of baptism of desire, invincible ignorance, and the like. But to think that this makes the need for baptism and confession less urgent is somewhat like thinking that a diagnosis of cancer needn't prompt urgent action, since there are rare cases where cancers disappear without treatment; or like thinking that to prepare to have a large family and put the kids through college, it will suffice to buy a few lottery tickets.


Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Quand je dis « retour », il se peut que je me trompe, peut-être les relents du communisme n'ont-ils jamais disparu des institutions universitaires françaises qui affichent invariablement une seule appartenance : être à gauche. Ce qui est assez paradoxal pour une démocratie pluraliste. Toute autre appartenance étant suspecte, elle peut valoir une condamnation morale du collectif vertueux.


Monday, June 14, 2021

トマス・アクイナスにおける「恩恵 gratia」

トマス・アクイナスにおける「恩恵 gratia
『神学大全』における恩恵論にあたる S.T.I-II q.110 −111において、トマスは「恩 恵」を意味する「gratia」という語について、基本的に二種類があると説明しています。
(1) gratia gratum faciens つまり、人を聖化し、神に喜ばせる恩恵。
(2)gratia gratis data つまり、神に戻るために、他人を通じて無償で与えられた恩恵。


Thursday, June 10, 2021




31検邪聖省,指針(19491220):AAS42(1950),p.142 参照。
32 聖卜マス, Summa Theol., III, q.8, a. 3, ad 1 参照。
34カエサレアのエウセビオス,Praeparatio Eoangelica, I,1:PG 21 28 AB.


Thursday, June 03, 2021

What got an atheist interested in Christianity

What got an atheist interested in Christianity

1. Christianity is the only historically-based transcendent belief system. The Bible is not a
collection of theories or idealized tales that make the central characters into glossy
heros. It is in large part a gritty, unglamorous, and often distasteful retelling of historical
facts. The Bible smacks of realistic fact, not idealized fiction.
Christianity is the only belief system that is not dependent on a person earning his or
her salvation. This is critical because there's no way I could even live up to my own
flawed standards, much less those of a perfect God.
3. Jesus is, by far, the most influential person to ever live and is also the only person who
rose to enduring prominence after claiming to be God. Something happened 2,000
years ago that transformed Jesus' friends and family from skeptics into believers so
devout they were willing to give up everything, including their lives in brutal fashion, to
profess His divinity.
Virtually everyone in the Bible, including the "heroes," are truly authentic, completely
flawed people, who often behave like morons. They are prideful, uneducated,
self-absorbed liars, adulterers, murderers, and thieves whom God rescues repeatedly,
despite their mistakes. God's love for them gives indescribable hope to all people,
including those who act like idiots, like me.
5. Paul, formerly Saul of Tarsus, was transformed nearly instantaneously from a
prominent Jewish religious leader who actively persecuted Christians into a follower of
us. He lost everything-- his status, the career he had devoted his life to,
his comfort, his friends, and eventually his life -- claiming the divinity and kingship of
Jesus. You can't out-sin Paul, nor out-suffer him either. Like Paul, many of the most
prolific followers of Jesus were once the most broken.
When combined, the two core doctrines of sin (inherent human depravity) and the
Imago Dei (made in God's image) explain and predict the world better than anything





6、罪(人間の固有の堕落)とImago Dei(神の姿に似せて作られた)、という2つの核心的教義が組み合わさるならば、何よりも世界を説明し、予測することができる。


Wednesday, June 02, 2021

What got an atheist interested in Christianity


hat got an atheist interested in Christianity

1. Christianity is the only historically-based transcendent belief system. The Bible is not a
collection of theories or idealized tales that make the central characters into glossy
heros. It is in large part a gritty, unglamorous, and often distasteful retelling of historical
facts. The Bible smacks of realistic fact, not idealized fiction.
Christianity is the only belief system that is not dependent on a person earning his or
her salvation. This is critical because there's no way I could even live up to my own
flawed standards, much less those of a perfect God.
3. Jesus is, by far, the most influential person to ever live and is also the only person who
rose to enduring prominence after claiming to be God. Something happened 2,000
years ago that transformed Jesus' friends and family from skeptics into believers so
devout they were willing to give up everything, including their lives in brutal fashion, to
profess His divinity.
Virtually everyone in the Bible, including the "heroes," are truly authentic, completely
flawed people, who often behave like morons. They are prideful, uneducated,
self-absorbed liars, adulterers, murderers, and thieves whom God rescues repeatedly,
despite their mistakes. God's love for them gives indescribable hope to all people,
including those who act like idiots, like me.
5. Paul, formerly Saul of Tarsus, was transformed nearly instantaneously from a
prominent Jewish religious leader who actively persecuted Christians into a follower of
us. He lost everything-- his status, the career he had devoted his life to,
his comfort, his friends, and eventually his life -- claiming the divinity and kingship of
Jesus. You can't out-sin Paul, nor out-suffer him either. Like Paul, many of the most
prolific followers of Jesus were once the most broken.
When combined, the two core doctrines of sin (inherent human depravity) and the
Imago Dei (made in God's image) explain and predict the world better than anything


Friday, May 21, 2021

Guai a quel religioso che si diletta in parole oziose e vane e con…

Guai a quel reli- gioso che si diletta in parole oziose e vane e con esse conduce gli uomini al riso». Parole chiare in se stesse: chi mette al centro se stesso e fa spettaco- lo per soddisfare il proprio narcisismo è un infelice e manifesta semplicemen- te il vuoto che ha dentro, anche se può sembrare moderno e alla moda.

l'Am m o n i z i o n e XX
(FF 170)Francesco


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Fabro, Introduzione a Tommaso

Il cap. IX mette a tema il complesso e non del tutto chiarito rapporto tra tomismo e pensiero moderno. La cosa certa è che la ripresa del tomismo voluta da Leone XIII se da un lato aumenta la diffidenza verso ogni sintesi diretta tra fede cristiana e pensiero moderno, dall'altro non elimina le opposizioni al tomismo dall'interno del mondo cattolico spesso in nome dell'andare verso il moderno, in Germania (R. Eucken, J. Hessen), in Francia (L. Rougier), Italia (G. Saitta). Non sono mancati però quanti hanno tentato un avvicinamento in senso positivo tra Tommaso e pensiero moderno, soprattutto Kant (il caso del tomismo trascendentale di Maréchal), o la fenomenologia e l'esistenzia- lismo. Poiché la filosofia moderna ha turbato «radicalmente la vita spirituale dell'Occidente, avviandola sulla china del monismo panteistico prima e chia- rendosi definitivamente nel suo autentico nucleo di antropologismo ateo quale si attesta nella filosofia contemporanea» (211), il tomismo più che conciliarsi con la modernità deve riscattare dalla metafisica dell'immanenza fondando la coscienza nell'essere e il finito nell'infinito. Alcune parole dell'epilogo con- servano valore di monito. Fabro, prendendo atto del cambiamento di atmosfera nella Chiesa ma anche della volontà di protesta di quanti «sono convinti che l'ortodossia è solidale con la fedeltà alle formule della fede consacrate dalla Tradizione» (233), denuncia negli ambienti ecclesiali «l'affievolimento degli interessi speculativi, lo studio diretto dei classici contrastato da una valanga di enciclopedie, dizionari e pubblicazioni di facile volgarizzazione e fonti di altrettanto facili illusioni: tutte queste cose hanno non solo stordito il pubblico dei fedeli ma intimorito la stessa autorità, che ha dato l'impressione di non es- sere sempre in grado di fronteggiare con nuove proposte (dottrinali e pratiche) siffatto cataclisma tutt'ora in atto» (ibidem). Perciò questa lucida ed autorevole introduzione a Tommaso deve stimolare il ritorno alla lettura e allo studio delle opere del Dottore Angelico per imparare non solo contenuti ma anzitutto come si fa teologia dall'interno della fede della Chiesa.
Antonio Sabetta


Monday, April 12, 2021

Filippesi 4,11-12 ho imparato a bastare a me stesso in ogni occasione…

Filippesi 4,11-12 ho imparato a bastare a me stesso in ogni occasione; ho imparato ad essere povero e ho imparato ad essere ricco; sono iniziato a tutto, in ogni maniera: alla sazietà e alla fame, all'abbondanza e all'indigenza. 13 Tutto posso in colui che mi dà la forza

ego enim didici, in quibus sum, sufficiens esse.
12 Scio et humiliari, scio et abundare (ubique et in omnibus institutus sum): et satiari, et esurire, et abundare, et penuriam pati.13 Omnia possum in eo qui me confortat.

私は、物が豊富にあろうとなかろうと、楽しく生きていくすべを学びました。 12 無一文の時にも、何でもそろっている時にも、どのように生活すべきか知っています。満腹の時にも空腹の時にも、豊かな時にも貧しい時にも、どんな境遇でも満足する秘訣を身につけました。 13 力を与え、強めてくださる方によって、私は、神に求められるどんなことでもできるからです

γ γρ μαθον ν ος εμι ατρκης εναι. 12οδα κα ταπεινοσθαι, οδα κα περισσεειν: ν παντ κα ν πσιν μεμημαι κα χορτζεσθαι κα πεινν, κα περισσεειν κα στερεσθαι. 13πντα σχω ν τ νδυναμοντ με.


Monday, February 22, 2021


«Se i nostri esami di coscienza potessero materializzarsi su una scacchiera, le pedine più importanti a comparire sopra di esse, per molti di noi, avrebbero l'aspetto di angeli e di diavoli».


Thursday, January 07, 2021

Duty is ours, results are God’s

Duty is ours, results are God's

John Quincy Adams
US diplomat & politician (1767 - 1848)
