Wednesday, June 02, 2021

What got an atheist interested in Christianity


hat got an atheist interested in Christianity

1. Christianity is the only historically-based transcendent belief system. The Bible is not a
collection of theories or idealized tales that make the central characters into glossy
heros. It is in large part a gritty, unglamorous, and often distasteful retelling of historical
facts. The Bible smacks of realistic fact, not idealized fiction.
Christianity is the only belief system that is not dependent on a person earning his or
her salvation. This is critical because there's no way I could even live up to my own
flawed standards, much less those of a perfect God.
3. Jesus is, by far, the most influential person to ever live and is also the only person who
rose to enduring prominence after claiming to be God. Something happened 2,000
years ago that transformed Jesus' friends and family from skeptics into believers so
devout they were willing to give up everything, including their lives in brutal fashion, to
profess His divinity.
Virtually everyone in the Bible, including the "heroes," are truly authentic, completely
flawed people, who often behave like morons. They are prideful, uneducated,
self-absorbed liars, adulterers, murderers, and thieves whom God rescues repeatedly,
despite their mistakes. God's love for them gives indescribable hope to all people,
including those who act like idiots, like me.
5. Paul, formerly Saul of Tarsus, was transformed nearly instantaneously from a
prominent Jewish religious leader who actively persecuted Christians into a follower of
us. He lost everything-- his status, the career he had devoted his life to,
his comfort, his friends, and eventually his life -- claiming the divinity and kingship of
Jesus. You can't out-sin Paul, nor out-suffer him either. Like Paul, many of the most
prolific followers of Jesus were once the most broken.
When combined, the two core doctrines of sin (inherent human depravity) and the
Imago Dei (made in God's image) explain and predict the world better than anything


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