Sunday, February 26, 2006

Ignorance and War (for Christian pacifists)

I wonder if one could argue that ignorance can be a cause of war. I know a few christians (among them also some catholic priests and even a couple of bishops) that like to talk about peace but do not like to study theology or philosophy. If you do not study you could become prey to ignorance which in turn, as everybody should know, is a breeding field for prejudice and wrong assumptions (all of which undermine truth). If, then, it is true that TRUTH is a pillar for builduing peace, with a simple syllogism we could come to the conclusion that those who dislike study are not really working towards building peace, but the reverse.
It is said that a big factor that led to the genocide that happened in Rwanda,was mutual (and carefully protected) ignorance between Tutsis nad Hutus.



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