1:マタイによる福音書/ 18章 01節
2 そこで、イエスは一人の子供を呼び寄せ、彼らの中に立たせて、
3: 言われた。「はっきり言っておく。心を入れ替えて子供のようにならなければ、決して天の国に入ることはできない。
4: 自分を低くして、この子供のようになる人が、天の国でいちばん偉いのだ。
5: わたしの名のためにこのような一人の子供を受け入れる者は、わたしを受け入れるのである。」
7: 世は人をつまずかせるから不幸だ。つまずきは避けられない。だが、つまずきをもたらす者は不幸である。
The mimetic quality of childhood desire is universally recognized. Adult desire is virtually
identical, except that (most strikingly in our own culture) the adult is generally ashamed
to imitate others for fear of revealing his lack of being. The adult likes to assert his
independence and to offer himself as a model to others; he invariably falls back on the
formula, "Imitate me!" in order to conceal his own lack of originality.
A mimetic crisis is always a crisis of undifferentiation that erupts when the roles of
subject and model are reduced to that of rivals. It's the disappearance of the object
which makes it possible.
Whereas children are not ashamed of their need for models, adults are. Adult shame
leads to false insistence on the priority of one's own desire and the delusion of originality.
This is the sin of pride. In rivalry, the rival's role as model of desire is denied and his role as obstacle is condemned, making a benign or beneficial mediation impossible. Girard calls this a model‐obstacle relationship, or along with Matthew, he says that the parties have become stumbling blocks for one another. Which means that desire has become hardened, fixated on a rival to the exclusion of all other potential centers of attention. As the rivalry escalates, the object of desire quite literally recedes from view and the attraction between the rivals radiates with more power than the feeble interest in the object which precipitated the binding of the rivals together.
In childhood, appropriation of objects is not a matter of whimsy or even solely about acquiring the being of the model. Mediated but intense engagement with the objects of their
environment is an essential element of their unfolding life. The ability to concentrate and to complete cycles of activity are indicative of healthy patterns of desire in children (and adults)
where attachment to objects is both fluid and intense, allowing for free engagement with the
flow of desire all around us. In childhood healthy desire is the necessary pathway to the
formation of the healthy adult they are so busy creating. Using mimetic theory terminology, we might say that acquisitive mimesis in childhood is an unqualified good.
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