Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Homiletic and pastoral review
Francesco ai Generali dei religiosity
Auspico che il servizio dell'autorità venga esercitato sempre in stile sinodale, rispettando il diritto proprio e le mediazioni che esso prevede, per evitare sia l'autoritarismo, sia i privilegi, sia il "lasciar fare"; favorendo un clima di ascolto, di rispetto per l'altro, di dialogo, di partecipazione e di condivisione. I consacrati, con la loro testimonianza, possono apportare molto alla Chiesa in questo processo di sinodalità che stiamo vivendo. Purché voi siate i primi a viverla: a camminare insieme, ad ascoltarvi, a valorizzare la varietà dei doni, ad essere comunità accoglienti.
In questa prospettiva, rientrano anche i percorsi di valutazione di idoneità e attitudine, perché possa avvenire nel modo migliore un rinnovamento generazionale alla guida degli istituti. Senza improvvisazioni. Infatti, la comprensione dei problemi attuali, spesso inediti e complessi, comporta un'adeguata formazione, altrimenti non si sa bene dove andare e si "naviga a vista". Inoltre, una riorganizzazione o riconfigurazione dell'istituto va fatta sempre nella salvaguardia della comunione, per non ridurre tutto ad accorpamenti di circoscrizioni, che poi possono risultare non facilmente gestibili o motivo di contrasti. Al riguardo, è importante che i superiori stiano attenti a evitare che qualche persona non sia ben occupata, perché questo, oltre a danneggiare i soggetti, genera tensioni nella comunità.
San Gregorio Magno citato da Alfonso de Liguori apparecchio
Monday, November 28, 2022
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Wife in Japanese 2
Lived in Japan (1942–1995)Author has 2K answers and 15.7M answer views4y
What's the difference between 家内 and 妻 in Japanese?
私(わたし)の妻(つま)"watashi no tsuma" Equivalent to "my wife." Most formal and suitable expression in court or TV interview.
うちの奥(おく)さん "uchi no oku-san" Humorous and respectful. Not suitable for public speech.
うちの嫁(よめ)さん "uchi no yomé-san" 嫁(よめ)means "bride." This expression will be heard in honeymoon period of the couple.
うちのカミさん "uchi no kami-san" Ditto.
うちの家内(かない)"uchi no kanai" Standard expression in conversation with friends and coworkers. This is the sample of Japanese humbleness.
うちのかあちゃん "uchi no ka'a-chan" When we have children, husband and his wife call each other お父(とう)ちゃん "o-toh-chan" and お母(かあ)ちゃん "o-ka'a-chan" or "mama" and "papa" respectively because of training their children. うちのかあちゃん is an unpretentious expression for ordinary people.
うちの女房(にょうぼう)"uchi no nyohboh" This might be the opposite word of "my hubby" in English. No respect but friendly.
I'll add their counterpart expressions:
私(わたし)の夫(おっと)"watashi no otto" Equivalent to "my husband." Most formal. This is suitable expression in court or TV interview.
うちの旦那様(だんなさま) "uchi no dan'na-sama" Humorous and respectful. Not suitable for public speech. 旦那 originally means "boss" or "master," but it's just an informal expression of "my husband" here.
うちの旦那 "uchi no dan'na" Standard expression in conversation with friends and coworkers. Informal.
うちの亭主(ていしゅ)"uchi no téishu" equivalent to "my hubby" in English. No respect but friendly.
うちの宿六(やどろく)"uchi no yadoroku" An expression which has a feeling of disdain or ridicule. The origin of the word: A husband who behaves like a guest at an inn because he comes back home and goes to bed six days in a week. 宿 means "inn" and 六 means "six."
Wife in Japanese
Timothy Powell
Knows Japanese4y
They all mean wife.
奥さん is a polite form and should only ever be used to refer to another's wife and not your own.
妻 is what I would say is the dictionary standard noun for wife. Most neutral and polite way to refer to your own wife, or to yourself being a wife.
家内 and カミさん more old fashion/colloquial.
家内 means literally "inside the house" as in that's where a wife should be, so not a very modern term. Interestingly, 奥 means a place deep inside a house, I.e. the kitchen in a traditional Japanese house.
嫁 can mean wife, or bride. It can be used in the phrase 嫁に行った "went to be a wife", and often describes a situation where the husband and wife live with the husband's parents.
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Eiji Takano(高野 英二)
Lived in Japan (1942–1995)Author has 2K answers and 15.7M answer views4y
What's the difference between 家内 and 妻 in Japanese?
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Friday, November 11, 2022
The Jesuits: What Went Wrong
Monday, November 07, 2022
Sunday, November 06, 2022
実体(substantia)について (第2巻第46章を参照)基体
① (名称や外形に対する)正体。本体。実質。内容。「~がつかめない」「~のない理論」
② 〔哲学〕(ousia(ギリシア)・substantia(ラテン)・substance(イギリス))変化する諸性質の根底にある持続的な担い手と考えられるもの。それ自身によって存在するもの。世界ないし事物の実体は古来哲学の重要問題とされ、殊にギリシア哲学・スコラ哲学・デカルト・スピノザにおいて中心的役割を演じた。カントは実体を現象認識のためのカテゴリーに過ぎないと考えたが、現在では、実体ではなく関係を事物の根底に捉える考え方が盛んになっている。(広辞苑、第5版、1998年)
もし、不手際で韓国語で送られてきたら、こんなものでしょうか:「긴급 지진 속보를 대피하십시오.」。ハングル語の分から