Sunday, May 07, 2006

Public Theology cf Public Truth (Newbegin)

Public Theology, term coined by Martin Marty ("Reinhold Neibuhr: Public Theology and the American Experience", Journal of Religion 54, 1974).
Theology with a missionary attitude in a world where religious faith has been relegated to the private sphere.

Cf. G.R. Hunsberger, "The Missional Voice and Posture of Public Theologizing", Missiology XXXIV, 2006, 15-28.

1. The recovery of voice
2. The recovery of church identity

1. A Spirit of Companionship
2. Humility in Truth-Telling
3. Particularity in Discourse (every discourse is inevitably linked to a particular culture: incarnated)
4. Courage in public action
5. An eye on the Horizon

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